Tuesday 2 September 2014

Bumpy Beginnings...

It's that time of year again. 

September. Teachers everywhere (or at least, the ones I've spoken to) are busy compiling activities to get to know their new classes, methods in which to memorise 30 new names within a couple of days and planning ahead as far as the October half term. Heck; some are already counting down the days until school breaks up again (apparently it's 37/38 days?!). 

Me? I'm crossing all of my fingers and toes and hoping that I'll have something lined up this week. 

It's an odd feeling. I feel excited and liberated that I'm going to wake up everyday and head off somewhere new and meet lots of new faces on a regular basis. I'm also anxious about getting started. This morning was quite a rollercoaster...

I woke up at about 8am to the sound of my phone beeping at me. I checked my phone and I found a text from my agency offering me a block of 5 days work starting tomorrow (eek!). I eagerly called them back to confirm that I was happy to take the job (which just happens to be at my mum's old primary school - what a small world!). By this point I was feeling pretty awesome. I'd accepted my first job as a supply teacher. I started tomorrow. I was working 3 days this week, meaning I'd get paid something next week. All was good.

A few hours later...

I get a call from my agency explaining that the school only need me on Tuesday next week. Bubble is now burst. Don't get me wrong; I'm still excited to get started next week. Besides, what's a few extra days to myself? I guess I was just really looking forward to getting started this week while all my friends are heading into school and getting settled in. Mind you, a bet a few of them are envious that I'm not back in yet. 

I guess the grass is always greener, eh?

Here's to hoping for a call and a job by Friday this week! I really want to start blogging about my job now! Until then... 
Nx :)

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