Tuesday 9 September 2014

Two days in...

Okay, I have decided.

I. Love. Supply.

I managed to get myself fully booked this week and have taught across Year 4 and Year 6 (four different classes) in the last two days and I have loved every minute! There is something really exciting about meeting a fresh set of faces and being able to start over every day.

I've been really lucky so far, as most of the time I have had lesson plans provided for me (at least, verbally!) so I have been able to just get on and teach. However, this morning I encountered some technical difficulty with a PC that refused to switch on and so had to work out what to do with an extra 15-20 minutes. Rather than panic, I ransacked the teacher's desk drawers and discovered a pad of post its and created a quick activity from that (more about that another time!).

This has got me to thinking about what I'd like to include in my 'in case of emergencies' pack. Yes, a new project! I am going to create my emergency supply kit!!

Watch this space...
Nx :)

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