Sunday 19 October 2014

Knowing What I Want...

So I've been supplying five days a week at a local school and I'm booked up until Christmas. To date I've been in Year 1, Year 2, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 (just like I wanted!) and what have I learned?

That I was wrong.
Very wrong.

When I start supplying a couple of months ago, I thought I would be realising my true calling in teaching... working with the little ones in Reception/Year 1. Turns out I definitely prefer working in upper KS2 classes. I think I just fit better into a class of older children. I'm much more in my comfort zone. I've enjoyed working in the lower year groups (and have picked up on lots of great hints and tips from many teachers across all year groups for when I get back into my own classroom full time) but I know know for sure that my place is with the older year groups.

I'm actually pretty impressed that it's taken me less than a half term to work this out. But what this DOES mean is that after Christmas I can focus on positions in the year groups that I REALLY want.

I shall be sharing some tips and ideas that I have come across in my first half term of supplying during my half term week next week. Until then...
Nx :)